Father’s Day/Buwa ko Mukh Herne Din 2079 special wishes for your father

When is Father’s Day (Buwa ko mukh herne din) in 2079?
- भदौ ११, २०७९, शनिवार
- 27 August, 2022
Buwa ko mukh herne din (Father’s Day) is also called Kuse Ausi or Pitri Tirpani Aausi or Gokarne Ausi. This is an important day where people pay homage to their father by offering their favorite food, clothes, and other things. The no moon day of the lunar dark fortnight in Bhadra (August/September) is celebrated as Father’s Day (Buwa Ko Mukh Herne Din). During Father’s Day, sons and daughters bring sweets and gifts to their fathers.
Mukh herne means to look at a face but the definition on this day is different. On this day people respect their father by doing puja and spending the day with his/her father to make it more special. Blessings taken from father on this day are more important than other days.
Father’s Day/Buwa ko mukh herne din 2079 special wishes for your father
- Happy Father’s Day
- Wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.
- Buwa ko Mukh Herne Din ko Subhakamana
- Happy Father’s Day to the world’s best Dad.
- Happy Father’s Day. I love you, dad!
- My Hero, My Guide, My Friend…… My Father. Happy Father’s Day 2079!
- Dad is my greatest Gift……..Happy Father’s Day!
- You fill my life with color. I love you, my Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
- Thanks for your support and loving care. Wishing you a wonderful Father’s Day!
- Happy Father’s Day 2079! You are my best dad and best friend forever!

- Thanks for giving me the finer things in life your time, your care & your love. Happy Father’s Day!
- You’re appreciated and loved more than you know. Happy Father’s Day!
- Thank you for always being there for me when no one else was. Happy Father’s Day!
- I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Happy Father’s Day!
- Today’s your day, Dad. Enjoy it, and know how loved you are!
- Thanks for being the coolest dad in the world! Happy Father’s Day!
- Happy Father’s Day! May God always shower you with boundless happiness
- Happy Father’s Day! You are the real superman. Thanks for everything you do.
- A Father like you is a gift from God. I give thanks for the blessing of you Dad! Happy Father’s Day!
- Happy Father’s Day! There is no unconditional love on earth greater than the love of a father to his son.

- Happy Father’s Day to the coolest Dad ever!
- To the world’s greatest Dad from the world’s greatest kids, we hope you have an amazing Father’s Day!
- Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for always being there for us.
- Thanks for all the fun times we’ve shared together. You’re such an amazing dad! Happy Father’s Day!
- Thanks for giving me so much love, attention, and care. You truly are the best Dad! Happy Father’s Day.
- I feel so blessed to have a Dad like you! Thank you for everything you do.
- Sending you all my love across the miles. Have a great Father’s day!
- Today is the day to celebrate and let you know how much we love you, Cheers!
- Our Dad is simply the greatest man and we are proud to call him Dad. Happy Father’s day!
- Thanks for being my guiding light and for the precious life lessons. Happy Father’s Day 2021!

- कुशे औंशी अर्थात बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिनको शुभकामना।
- कुशे औंसीको शुभकामना।
- बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिनको शुभकामना।
पिता धर्म: पिता स्वर्ग: पिता हि परमं तप:।
पितरि प्रीतिमापन्ने सर्वा: प्रीयन्ति देवता:
- पिता धर्म हुन, पिता स्वर्ग हुन र पिता नै सवैभन्दा श्रेष्ठ तपस्या हुन । पिता प्रसन्न भएमा सम्पूर्ण देवता प्रसन्न हुन्छन । कुशे औँसी तथा ( बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिन ) को सम्पूर्ण नेपाली दाजुभाई तथा दिदीबहिनीमा हार्दिक शुभकामना।