Happy Tihar (Deepawali) 2078 Wishes, Quotes, and Greetings

Tihar is also known as Deepawali, which is a big Hindu festival. It is celebrated for 5 days. Tihar is also called as festival of lights.
Send Tihar (Deepawali) 2078 wishes, quotes, and greetings to your friends, families, and relatives to make it more special. Below are the beautiful collections of wishes, quotes, and greetings of Tihar. Just copy it and send it. Happy Tihar 2078 to you all.
कार्तिक १७, २०७८ बुधवार – 03 November, 2021 Wednesday | Kaag Tihar (काग तिहार) Kukur Tihar (कुकुर तिहार) |
कार्तिक १८, २०७८ बिहीवार – 04 November, 2021 Thursday | Laxmi Puja (लक्ष्मीपूजा) |
कार्तिक १९, २०७८ शुक्रवार – 05 November, 2021 Friday | Gobardhan Puja (गोवर्धन पूजा) |
कार्तिक २०, २०७८ शनिवार – 06 November, 2021 Saturday | Bhai Tika (भाइटीका) |
Happy Tihar (Deepawali) 2078 Wishes, Quotes, and Greetings
Happy Deepawali 2078.
A very Happy & Bright Deepawali to you and your family.
Happy Tihar 2078.
Wish you a very very Happy Deepawali 2078.
Wish you a Happy Tihar 2078.
May this Deepawali bring lots of good luck and success to you. Happy Tihar 2078.
Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous Deepawali 2078.
Let this Tihar burn all your bad times & enter you in good times. Happy Deepawali 2078.
May the auspicious festival of lights fill your life with the glow of happiness and the sparkle of joy. Wish you a Happy Deepawali.
May this Deepawali bring you the utmost peace and prosperity. Happy Deepawali 2078.
Happy Deepawali 2078. May the joy, cheer, delight, and cheerfulness of this heavenly festival surround you forever.
Rejoice on this blessed occasion by spreading joy with your friends and loved ones. Happy Tihar 2078.
Sending you my warmest Deepawali wishes, hugs, and love. Happy Deepawali 2078.
Peace, prosperity, & good fortune. May they all be with you in your life. Happy Tihar.

Hope this Deepawali brings you lots of love and happiness. Happy Tihar 2078.
May the divine light of Deepawali spread into your life. Wish you and your family a very Happy Deepawali.
May the lights of Tihar spread peace, joy, and happiness in your life. Happy Tihar 2078.
May the festival of light shower peace, joy, and happiness in your life. Happy Deepawali 2078.
Always stay positive and work hard. Have a safe and blessed Deepawali 2078.
Enjoy the festival of lights by playing Deusi-Bhailo. May Deepawali add more happiness in your life.
Let’s celebrate the festival in the true sense by spreading joy and light up the world of others. Have a happy, safe, and blessed Deepawali.
Let’s celebrate the beautiful festival of lights with peace, joy, and happiness. Happy Tihar to all my beloved ones.
May the diyas of Deepawali bring more happiness to your family. Sending you the warm wishes of Deepawali 2078 to your family.
On the auspicious occasion of Diwali, I wish happiness in your life is multiplied and the sorrows of your life are divided. Happy Deepawali 2078.
May this festival Tihar brings you good luck and give you the power to achieve your dream. Happy Deepawali 2078.
May the little lamps of Deepawali light up your life with love and happiness. Happy Deepawali 2078.
May the lights of Tihar brighten your life and the blessings of God always be with you and your family. Happy Deepawali 2078.
May this Tihar, come up with beautiful beginnings, fresh hopes, bright days, and new dreams. Wishing you a Happy Tihar 2078.

Wish you Happy Deepawali 2078. May the gift of happiness and prosperity fill your heart and home with joy on Deepawali.
Wish you and your family a joyful Deepawali. Have loads of fun and loads of enjoyment. Happy Deepawali 2078.
On this auspicious festival of lights, may the glow of joy, prosperity, and happiness illuminate your life and your home. Wishing you a Happy Deepawali 2078.
May this divine festival color the rages of your life with peace, joy, and happiness. Happy Deepawali 2078.
Let each diya you light bring a glow of happiness on your face and enlighten your soul. Happy Tihar 2078.
Have a wonderful Deepawali and enjoy the festival of lights. May God bless you with his blessings on this Tihar and always.
Have a crackling Deepawali, may this festive season bring good luck and happiness to you. Happy Deepawali 2078.
Shine like sparkles, glow like candles and burn all the negativity like crackles. Wish you all a very Happy Deepawali 2078.
May this Deepawali remove all worries and pain from your life and begin a new era of well-being Happy Tihar 2078.
Blessings are with you this festival of lights and always. Wishing you a Happy Deepawali 2078.
May the splendor of the gleaming diyas add warmth and prosperity to your life. Happy Deepawali 2078.
May God bless you with happiness, success, and prosperity on this Diwali and always.
Happy Deepawali 2078 – With a gleam of auspicious Diyas and the holy chants, May happiness and prosperity fill your life forever.

शुभ दीपावली २०७८
दीपावली २०७८ को उपलक्ष्यमा हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना।
दीपावली २०७८ को शुभ उपलक्ष्य मा सुख शान्ति र समृद्धि तथा उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना।

आउदै गरेको दीपावली २०७८ को उपलक्ष्यमा म मेरा सम्पूर्ण परिवार, इस्टमित्र, साथीभाई हरु मा हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्न चाहन्छु।
दीप जस्तो चम्किरहोस तपाई को जीवन
कहिले पिडा ले खिन्न नहोस त्यो मन
लक्ष्मी को होस् सधै तपाई को घर मा बास
सधै छाईरहोस तपाई को मुहार मा उज्यालो प्रकाश
दीपावली २०७८ को को हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना।
दियो जस्तै बलिरहनु मखमलीझै फुलिरहनु
भएको बाटोमा अरुको पछि लाग्ने होइन
नयाँ बाटोको सुरुवात गर्ने ब्यक्ति बन्नु
दीपवाली २०७८ को सम्पुर्णमा हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना॥
यो तिहारले जिन्दगीमा भोगेका ति_ हार लाई जीत र खुसीमा परिणत गरोस।
शुभ तिहार॥