Guru Purnima 2078 – Guru Purnima 2021 wishes & quotes

Guru Purnima 2078
Guru Purnima 2021
Guru Purnima wishes
Guru Purnima quotes
Guru Purnima 2078/2021 Date:
-24 July, 2021
-09 Shrawan, 2078
Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha.
Happy Guru Purnima.
Happy Guru Purnima: Thank you for making me what I am today.
Wish you a Happy Guru Purnima.
Guru is Aspiration, Guru is Inspiration. Happy Guru Purnima.

Be grateful to those who helped you meet yourself. Happy Guru Purnima.
Be devoted to Guru on this holy day and always. Happy Guru Purnima.
Be devoted to Guru on this holy day and always. Happy Guru Purnima.
May Guru’s blessings always shower on you. Wish you a very Happy Guru Purnima.
You are the inspiration. Made me win with a spirit. It wouldn’t have been possible without you. Happy Guru Purnima.
Follow the paths shown by your Guru, success will surely come to you. Happy Guru Purnima.
To the world, you may be just a teacher but to your students, you are a hero! May guru’s blessings Always shower on you. Happy Guru Purnima.

Guru is the creator Brahma, Guru is the preserver Vishnu, Guru is the destroyer, Shiva. Guru is directly the supreme spirit. Happy Guru Purnima
Today is the best day to pay tribute to your Guru. On the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, make an oath to follow the steps of Guru.
Today is the best day to pay tribute to all the gurus in our life. Happy Guru Purnima.
There will be no darkness in your life when there is the ray of light of your blessings and teachings. Happy Guru Purnima.
You are a light for me in the dark. Support me always and I will succeed in all ways.
“Find the teacher, serve him as a child, open your heart to his influence, see in him God manifested.” – Swami Vivekananda

On the occasion of Guru Purnima, I want to thank you for being a teacher who has always guided me and supported me in all possible ways. Happy Guru Purnima.
To the world, you may just be a teacher but to your students, you are a hero! Happy Guru Purnima!
On the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, I hope and pray that I always get guided by you, and may you always shower me with your unconditional love. Happy Guru Purnima.
A good teacher is like a candle it consumes itself to light the way for others. Happy Guru Purnima.
Guru is an aspiration, Guru is an inspiration, Guru is everything. May Guru’s blessings always shower on you. Happy Guru Purnima. —-
Guru is a pillar of strength wisdom and love. Guru is a gift of God sent from the heaven above. Happy Guru Purnima.
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