World Brain Tumour Day 2020: World Brain Tumour Awareness Day on 8 June

World Brain Tumour Day 2020: World Brain Tumour Awareness Day on 8 June

World Brain Tumour Day 2020: World Brain Tumour Awareness Day on 8 June

Every year on 8 June, World Brain Tumour Day is observed.

The “Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.” (German Brain Tumor Association) began this international commemoration day in the year 2000 as a tribute to all brain tumour patients and their families.

World Brain Tumour Day 2020
World Brain Tumour Day 2020

Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe was founded in 1998 and have more than 500 registered members from fourteen nations. This is a non-profit organisation which raises public awareness and educates people about brain tumour.

It is observed annually on 8 June and gives help and support to the patients and their family members aside from scientists and health professionals.


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