New Nepali Teej Song 2015

New Nepali Teej Song 2015
New Nepali Teej Song 2015

New nepali teej song 2015 is released. Teej is great festival of Nepali Women. New nepali teej song 2015 by shalu gautam hits in market. Nepali teej songs are more listened at during teej festival.

Shalu Gautam Songs

New Nepali Teej Song 2015
New Nepali Teej Song 2015

This year new nepali teej song 2015 at top most hit this album comes. Shalu Gatum Nail Artist and singer and dancer have given her vocal in this song. There are many people searching in google are found searching keyword New Nepali Teej song. Shalu gautam Songs comes at top most rank at google this year.

She is multitalented and beautiful lady in Nepali glamorous field. This teej songs is all about Nepali ladies who wares short dress and she says she prefer longs clothes too.

And worship godess shiva in videos in many ways.

New Nepali Teej Song 2015

Teej is festival of women, during this festival they worship goddess shiva, not only that they pray goddess shiva without taking any food not only that even during festival they do not take water. Many new nepali song are found in market. At early days teej songs were very traditional and the sentences used in songs were very much importance and heart touchy too. Bt these modern days new nepali teej songs are found more romantic and dancing song.

Here are many teej songs listed below

Latest teej songs in are highly found downloaded. The list of new nepali teej songs are:

  1. Chota luga falera rato sari lagye

  2. Poila jana paum

  3. j vaneni has

  4. Lau lau sanu rato sari lau

  5. Aile ko teej babalai vo

  6. Yo Teej Ma Unkai Banaidau By Junu Rijal Kafle &Roshan SinghNamuna Thapa Teej songs 2015

These type of modern new nepali teej songs are found in market. You can watch and download on searching different keyword like teej songs.


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