Agriculture Study In Nepal Agriculture In Nepal
Agriculture Study In Nepal Agriculture In Nepal this is an official sites for the fact about Agriculture Study In Nepal and Agriculture Nepal, Agriculture Study In Nepal & Agriculture Nepal has become main job and students new attraction of study in agriculture. Agriculture Study In Nepal is not very simple and easy process.
Agriculture Study In Nepal Agriculture In Nepal
Among the total population of Nepal 63 % People are found farmer and are cultivating many agricultural products. The increment rate of student reading agriculture in Nepal are about 34% and this rate is increasing on yearly basis, but on other hand the rate of or percentage of people are depending on agriculture is decreasing.
Problems that are still in Agriculture of Nepal.
Nepal the landlocked country between two countries India and China the political condition here in Nepal has many effects on agriculture of Nepal, and the other rest problems that farmer and agriculture of Nepal facing are stated as below:
- People are less trained on New technology.
- People are unknown about use of new technology and they are unable to bear the amount to buy new Technology that are coming in Market.
- Farmers are unknown about different insecticides and pesticides that are used.
- Poor roads and lack of transportation facilities in Rural area of Nepal.
- People are focused on little works, they are becoming more lazy that they do not want to do hard work like agriculture.
Agriculture Study In Nepal
There was a time when student secures best result on SLC, then they were attracted to be Doctor, Engineer, Pilot etc , but these days it is found that among the student from best result are also focused on Study of Agriculture and to be trained people on this Field. On research it is found that many students at Bhaktapur at one institute are taking Bridge course for Agriculture Study In Nepal.

This year according to Bharatpur Agriculture and Forestry University that among 165 seats this year there were three thousand 39 students to appear entrance exam and 2200 on last year entrance exam. According to the one of professor from university that it was easy for student for study and for entrance but these days many student from Nepal and India are also attracted to this university.
Why Students are attracted on Study of Agriculture In Nepal ?Agriculture Study In Nepal Agriculture In Nepal
We found that many newspaper article have written article on about agriculture study in Nepal, on reading article we found that students why are attracted on study of this subject at University Level, the main reason behind this is that it will be more easier that during the apply for abroad study, this is main reason behind study of agriculture in Nepal, the political condition is behind this reason. So, we think that government have to special priority to these trained student so that they wont be out of Nepal after graduation.